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Bandeau button up Weekday leather tea-green luxe dress mint.
Bandeau button up Weekday leather tea-green luxe dress mint.
Bandeau button up Weekday leather tea-green luxe dress mint.
Bandeau button up Weekday leather tea-green luxe dress mint.
Bandeau button up Weekday leather tea-green luxe dress mint.
This is the start of the project, and the goal of this phase is to define the project scope and preliminary budget.
This phase is key to successful project management and focuses on developing a roadmap that everyone will follow.
At this time, roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. Below are examples of some of the documents created during this phase to ensure the project will stay on track:
This is when the work begins. After a kick-off meeting, the project team begins to assign resources, execute project management plans, set up tracking systems, execute tasks, update the project schedule, and modify the project plan.
The monitoring phase often happens at the same time as the execution phase. This step is all about measuring progress and performance to ensure that items are tracking with the project management plan.
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